Click here to have a look at what we do in Foundation 1


If you are considering sending your child to our school, please do come and visit the school to meet with the Headteacher and staff and to have a tour of the school. Please make an appointment with the school office so that the necessary staff can be present for your visit.

For School Admissions  call 0116 2832433 and ask for Mrs Power and she can help you apply.

Download our F1 Information pack

F1 Pack

Making an Application

Transferring to secondary

We work closely with all the secondary schools to make children’s transition a positive experience. Children leave Marriott feeling well prepared and excited to move on to the next stage of their learning journey.

Children have opportunities to visit the secondary schools and meet the staff in year 5 and 6. The secondary schools hold open evenings where you can hear from the head teacher and have a tour of the school. This will help you to decide where to send your child.

For more information, looks at the schools’ websites and check out Leicester City Council’s information page.