At Marriott we all work very hard to meet the needs of our children and families. However, we recognise that we are only human and that sometimes things can go wrong. We are eager to address any concerns that you might have and ask that you speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. In the vast majority of cases, most issues can be dealt with by having a conversation with the teacher.

If however, the issue is not resolved, we would ask that you come and see either the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher or the Assistant Headteacher. In most cases somebody will be free to see you straight away so that the matter can be dealt with quickly and efficiently. There are some occasions where this is not possible and you will be invited to make an appointment. It is hoped that these meetings will allow us to find a mutually acceptable way to move forward so that we can resolve any issues or complaints that you have.

If you have done both of these things and your issue is still not resolved or you are unhappy with how the complaint has been dealt with, we ask that you write a letter to the Governor Complaints Panel, care of the school. They will review the matter and investigate using a variety of methods, as appropriate to the situation. The panel will meet with you and either uphold the Headteacher’s decision or ask for further action to be taken.

This process is set out in much more detail in our complaints Policy, a copy of which can be downloaded below.

We do ask though that complaints are brought to our attention in a civil and courteous manner, and we ask that you are mindful of this when approaching staff in the playground or at the office.

It is our policy for staff to treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and we do ask that they receive the same respect in return.

Any incidents of abusive and threatening behaviour or violence will not be accepted, and may lead to those involved being reported to the Police or banned from the premises.

Happily, most issues can be addressed quickly and easily through your child’s class teacher and this should always be your starting point

Our policy

Complaints Policy 2023-2025

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