ECO school committee
Once we had achieved Bronze and Silver status, we could apply for the internationally recognised Eco-Schools Green Flag.
We are pleased to announce that ……
We have been awarded the Green Flag for Eco schools!
We had to:
- Set up an Eco Committee
- Complete a n enviromental review
- Write an action plan
- monitor and evaluate progress
- link environmental issues to the curriculum
- involve the whole school and the wider community
- Agree an Eco Code
We took part in a number of projects
- Shwopping: recycling unwanted clothes and accessories for Oxfam
- Severn Trent raised awareness of saving water
- The three upcoming projects which we have been awarded £10,000 for: The Wild meadows , Forest School and a Wildlife trial
- ‘Switch off’ week to save energy
- Recycling bins in all classrooms
- School Council selling ‘fruit kebabs’ at the Christmas fair
- Year 5 litter picking (with the tools)
- We discuss issues raised on Newsround
- Inspirational women work: Bunny McDiarmid and Jennifer Morgan (global awareness)
- Use of scrap paper
Exciting news !!!
Marriott Primary Forest School, Wildflower Meadow and Minibeast Trail Planned.
We have been working with the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust and we are keen to enhance our grounds for pupils and for wildlife.
We would like to create a minibeast trail and wildflower meadow at the front of the school, create a Forest School area at the back of the school and green the playground by building and planting raised beds.
We have achieved Bronze and Silver Eco Awards
We are taking part in the Shwopping for Schools pilot?
We know that there are still approximately 114,000 garments thrown away in the UK every hour so we want to do even more to encourage and help our staff and customers recycle unwanted clothes rather than throw them away.
We are exploring the possibility of collecting clothes through primary schools. We hope this will provide a convenient alternative for young people, their teachers and parents, and perhaps even other members of the local community.
We are also hoping that Shwopping for Schools will educate the next generation about landfill and help young people to become thoughtful, caring and active citizens.
Why take part in Shwopping for Schools?
The Shwopping for Schools pilot offers schools an exciting chance to shape a programme which could prevent millions more clothes from going to landfill, raise money for Oxfam and educate the next generation about reusing and recycling.
Shwopping for Schools has been designed to fit in with schools’ existing priorities and the curriculum, so it is easy to take part.
Shwopping for Schools also provides a great opportunity for the School Council to take ownership and lead the activity.
Pilot schools will receive a cheque for £100 from M&S as a thank you.
“Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development equips them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in school and in wider society.”
Ofsted School inspection handbook
“Through their provision of SMSC, schools should…encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.”
Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools
PSHE (Core Theme 3: Living in the wider world – the importance of respecting and protecting the environment).
PSHE Association programme of study for PSHE education
English, Maths, Science (Living Things and their Habitats)