Early Help

Early help

Family learning

Family learning lets parents learn new skills alongside their children. See how your children learn and help them to do well at school.

What do we offer?

Courses take place in schools, children, young people and family centres, libraries and parks in all areas of Leicester.

We offer a wide variety of courses which includes:

  • Courses to help parents understand how their children learn and develop – Early start, Learning through play and Playing with language.
    Practical courses to make story sacks and to explore reading with your child in fun ways.
  • Courses to explore healthy eating and keeping your family safe – Family health with first aid, Feed your family for a fiver, Sow it grow it eat it and Family fun with football.
  • Courses that help parents understand how English and Maths are taught in schools – Magic Maths and Keeping up with the children.
  • Family fun with English – will help you especially if you are new to English to communicate with your child’s teacher and help with homework.
  • We have a wide variety of family workshops in local parks on Saturdays and in school holidays.
  • We run story-telling workshops in libraries during the Festival of Learning in June. Code clubs after school that explore how to code together using Scratch and Chuckle time courses that link to the Comedy Festival.

Keep up to date

Look out for flyers and information in your child’s school, local children, young people and family centres libraries and parks to keep up to date with what is on offer in your local area.

Contact us

For more information about family learning in your area, please ring 0116 454 1888 or email Alison Greet: alison.greet@leicester.gov.uk

Keeping children healthy

At Marriott Primary, we like our pupils to be as fit and healthy as possible. If you need any support or advice in regards to your child’s health please contact our Public Health Nursing service for schools on 0116 215 3230.

The school nurse service run monthly face to face drop-ins for parents to access should they wish support with their child’s health. Please ask reception for details and to book appointments.

Parents can also access support via www.healthforkids.co.uk website or via the parent text messaging service where you can get confidential advice on 07520 615381.

Healthy eating

How to create a healthy packed lunch

As a healthy school we insist that children bring in healthy packed lunches Fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps and cakes should therefore not be included.

The key to a healthy lunchbox is to include a balance of appropriate foods from the four main food groups –

  1. Breads and cereals
  2. Fruit and vegetables
  3. Meat and alternatives
  4. Milk and dairy products

Foods in the fifth food group, containing fat and sugar, should be eaten in moderation. A packed lunch should provide a range of important nutrients for children. Including a wide variety of foods in a lunchbox will provide this range of nutrients and prevent children becoming bored with the same foods. Most importantly, children should look forward to and enjoy their packed lunch in school.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Make packed lunch rules – eg no sweets – and stick to them. No deviations or little treats!
  2. Have a healthy lunch formula. A good one is that every lunch must include a sandwich or savoury, a piece of fruit and a yoghurt or milk-based, low-fat dessert.
  3. Give your child water (if possible) or well-diluted fruit juice. Water will be much more appealing if you can make sure it stays cold – it might be worth investing in a good lunchbox-sized flask.

Top tips for healthy packed lunch ingredients

  • First of all, invest in proper packaging. There’s nothing quite as unappealing as a soggy packed lunch. Fruit and vegetable sticks that are still fresh when the dinner bell goes are far more likely to hit the spot. Buy different-sized plastic containers with snap-on lids (make sure your child can open them!) and a lunchbox/carry-case with space for an ice pack so the contents stay chilled.
  • Let your child come up with ideas for what he/she wants – but make sure suggestions fall within your healthy lunch formula (above).
  • Leftovers from supper the previous evening can be tasty and hassle-free. Try to plan your evening meal with the next day’s packed lunch in mind. Have one basic leftover ingredient – eg rice, couscous, pasta – and add cubes of cheese, cooked meat, tuna, sweetcorn, beans, whatever you have in the fridge or store cupboard.
  • If your child wants crisps, suggest alternatives such as crackers or crispbreads. You could spread a low-fat soft cheese or hummus on top to make a tasty snack.
  • Buy different sorts of bread for sandwiches, rolls or wraps – eg pitta, bagels, granary – and steer clear of white bread.
  • Low-fat soft cheese and fruit (try strawberries, kiwi fruit or banana) make great sandwich fillers.
  • Tomatoes and cucumber slices make sandwiches soggy. Instead, go for grated carrot or shredded lettuce (choose a variety with crunchy leaves, such as Iceberg or Cos).
  • Finally, if your child wants a healthy snack for break-time, why not include a pack of raisins (or measure out a small handful from a bigger bag and put them into a small plastic container). You can also do the same with dried fruits such as apricots.

Only around one in a hundred packed lunches in England meet children’s nutritional needs. A balanced diet is about eating lots of different foods to get the nutrients you need.


Foundation stage children lunch


Teeth care

All children should see a dentist as soon as their first teeth come through (usually at about 6 months old).

Their dentist will advise you how regular their check-ups should be. The most children go every 6 months.

Visiting the dentist regularly can help keep children’s teeth healthy. All NHS dental treatment for children under 18 is free if it is needed. Find a dentist near you on NHS Choices.

Find a dentist

You can also find a lot of advice about how to encourage babies and children to look after their teeth on the teeth.tlc website.

Help your child to brush their teeth

  • Start brushing as soon their first tooth comes through.
  • You need to help them brush until they are at least 7.
  • Brush twice a day for at least two minutes. There are apps that can help you time this (see brush DJ)
  • Brushing before bed time is the most important.
  • After brushing children ideally should be encouraged to only spit the toothpaste out and not rinse. Rinsing washes the fluoride in the toothpaste away and it needs to stay on the teeth for as long as possible to help protect them.
  • Brushes should be changed every 2-3 months.
  • Always use a toothpaste with fluoride. Check the label to make sure if it is suitable for your child’s age. If your child is under two just use a smear of toothpaste. If they’re older use a pea sized amount.

Make sure your child avoids too much sugar

  • Don’t add sugar to weaning foods.
  • Give them milk and water to drink.
  • Limit sugary food and drinks to mealtimes.
  • Don’t let them eat sugar more than four times per day.
  • If your child is older than 6 months old, try to get them to drink from an open cup. If they are over 12 months old try to make sure they have stopped using a bottle.
  • Don’t let your child sleep with a bottle of milk overnight as this can cause decay.

What to do if your child knocks out their tooth?

  • Get them to a dentist straight away (within 2 hours)
  • Do not touch the root, and keep the tooth in milk or in the child’s cheek
  • If you can’t find a dentist call NHS 111 immediately and they will be able to tell you the nearest A&E that can help.
  • You should also get them straight to a dentist if they have broken a tooth.
  • Make sure they wear a mouthguard when they play any contact sport.

More advice for parents

Childsmile also have a great video called ‘What’s happening to our children’s teeth’:

What’s happening to our children’s teeth?


Film about childrens; oral health in Scotland. Features Scottish school children. Made for Childsmile programme in Scotland. Childsmile is reducing inequalities in oral health and ensuring access to dental services for every child across Scotland. See www.child-smile.org.uk for information on the programme and healthy habits for good oral health.

Healthy Together and your Public Health (School) Nursing Service

Healthy Together is a universal service from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust for children and their families from 0-19 in Leicester City.

 Your Public Health (School) Nursing Service

Public Health (School) Nurses from Healthy Together are available to help you and your child in many different ways. You can find help and support with:

  • Behaviour
  • Continence
  • Physical health
  • Emotional health
  • Parenting
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Plus much more

Your Public Health (School) Nursing team can be contacted via your child’s school, or alternatively you can find the contact details by selecting your child’s school from the drop down list on our Health for Kids: Grownups website.

Discover more about the school nursing team here.


ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service provided by Healthy Together that enables parents and carers to contact their Public Health (School) Nursing team for advice and support. You can get in touch for advice and guidance about any aspect of your child’s physical or emotional health.

Text a Public Health (School) Nurse on: 07520 615 381

The service operates between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. The team aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate message back to confirm your message has been received.

If you need help before you hear back, you should visit your local walk-in centre, GP or call 111. In an emergency, call 999.

Health for Kids 

Health for Kids enables primary school aged children to learn about health in a fun and interactive way. With different worlds to explore and content, games, videos, quizzes and animations to enjoy across topics including health, feelings, illness and getting help, children can sit and learn with parents, carers, grandparents, siblings and teachers in a fun and safe online environment.

Visit Health for Kids at: www.healthforkids.co.uk

Health for Kids: Grownups

Health for Kids: Grownups is an extension of our Health for Kids platform, providing health related advice and information specifically for parents and carers of children aged 5-11. Content is available across many topics around the four main areas of Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Health Issues and Getting Help.

Grownups can also access localised information, including news, local services and public health (school) nurse contact details in the dedicated Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area that can be accessed when you first visit the website.

Visit Health for Kids: Grownups- https://www.healthforkids.co.uk/grownups

You can also keep up-to-date with the latest posts, advice and information by following our Health for Kids social platforms:

Twitter- @healthforkids1

Facebook- @healthforkids1

Instagram- @healthforkidsgrownups

Healthy together parent and carer video

Uploaded by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust on 2017-05-17