At Marriott we are passionate about and committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all staff and visitors to share this commitment.

We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. We have robust policies in place for ensuring the wellbeing of our children. These policies underpin our practice and values shared by every single member of staff in our school. Copies are available from the school office.

As a school, we have a legal duty to prevent extremism, and as a result, we are adopting the guidance of the Leicester Safeguarding Children Board. To read this information, please click here.

Any concerns about children are passed through the members of staff who are trained as “Designated Safeguarding Leads” in the school in compliance with the “sharing of information” guidance.

“Staff understand fully their responsibilities to report any concern they have. Leaders, in turn, have an excellent oversight of all vulnerable pupils. They can explain with
precision the actions they have taken.”

Ofsted Report May 2022

What to do if you are concerned about a child.

Children and young people have the right to grow up safe from harm or abuse. If you are worried about a child or young person, please contact school or contact the children’s social care team on 0116 454 6520

Areas of Safeguarding

  • Child protection – ensuring that staff respond appropriately to any significant change in a child’s behaviour, report to the Designated Lead any unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse, report any deterioration in a child’s well being, are trained to know signs of neglect and respond appropriately to comments children make that cause concern
  • Training – ensuring that staff have access to quality training in aspects of safeguarding so they can recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and record/respond using the correct procedures
  • Buildings and grounds – ensuring we offer a safe learning environment for children to thrive
  • Outside learning – completing risk assessments prior to trips and visits for the establishment along with safe transport
  • Visitors – checking DBS forms and qualifications and logging them on our Single Central Register
  • Behaviour– promoting positive behaviours towards each other to create a warm, caring environment
  • Parents/carers/families – offering a welcoming school and develop home/school links
  • Curriculum – ensuring that our curriculum offers a wide range of opportunities for children to learn about safety and they have chances to talk and ask questions

Safeguarding in the Curriculum

PSHE education lessons provide the best context for this learning, as part of a whole school approach and can contribute to safeguarding by:

  • Teaching pupils about healthy relationships and helping them recognise unhealthy relationships
  • Helping pupils recognise inappropriate behaviour towards them or others and to access help
  • Raising pupils’ awareness of abuse, gender-related and gang violence
  • Addressing gender stereotypes and challenging the negative attitudes which lead to violence and abuse
  • Teaching the language, skills and strategies that enable pupils to tackle and mitigate risks to their (or others’) physical or emotional safety, including bullying, unhealthy relationships, sexual exploitation, gangs, radicalisation, drug and alcohol use and other risky behaviours
  • Teaching the knowledge, understanding and skills pupils need to keep safe online
  • Broadening pupils’ understanding of concepts such as consent, equality, discrimination, power and exploitation as part of a broader curriculum
  • Helping pupils to support and seek help for friends who are in unsafe situations
  • Helping pupils to see how their own behaviour can at times put others at risk.
  • Supporting the development of personal attributes such as self-esteem, resilience and self-confidence and skills such as managing risk, decision making, emergency aid.

You can find all relevant keeping children safe leaflets here

Our Safeguarding Policies

Attendance Policy Oct 22
Looked After Children Policy 2022-23
Managing Allegations 2022-23
Private Fostering
low-level-concern-policy-2023-2024 V1.9
Safeguarding-CP Policy 2023-2024 v1.9
Online Policy Nov 24

Early Help-


Messages of hate can take many forms. Extremist groups use them to recruit young people. Parents can find answers to common questions and resources to help protect your child below.

General Resources

Families affected by imprisonment leaflet 2024 A5x6
Information for parents
Healthy Together Newsletter
School break - Emergency numbers

Online safety

As we start the year again, we continue to think about how to keep children safe in the online world. Please see the article below for some parental hints and tips.

Some great advice and support in helping you and your children navigate the online world and staying safe.


Please read the following about how to keep your child safe online.

End-to-End Encryption and Children – IWF
End-to-End Encryption


We are hearing and reading more and more about children gaining access to vapes. Please take a look at this link that helps us start the conversation with children about vaping and how it may harm them.

I’m worried about my child vaping – Support for Parents from Action For Children


Is Roblox Safe for Kids? Here’s What the Experts Have to Say (



Here are some online stories for 5-7 year olds to help them understand being safe online. Great to share with your children and discuss.

Some advice on keeping children safe if they received technology such as phones, consoles or smart watches and speakers this Christmas.
Parental Controls


Keeping children safe

All the children will be doing the PANTS rule in classes this term. Please see the website for further information about how to support and talk to your child about this so they can be kept safe.

The website below is a really useful tool to help parents and educators explain consent to children in a way that they understand.

Teaching Consent | Safe Secure Kids

As part of our safeguarding curriculum, we will be looking at the pants rule with all children F2-Y6 over the next week or so. Here is a link if you would like to know more.


Information to help with all aspects of life and how to access services, organisations and activities in Leicester.

Family Information | Family Information (