Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Sports Premium
Marriott physical education progression
Sports premium
At Marriott Primary School, each class have two P.E lessons each week-one indoor and one outdoor. We have an overview of activities for the year to ensure that children are offered a varied and exciting P.E curriculum whilst at the school. As a whole school, we actively take part in many competitions throughout the year which include Table Tennis, Cross Country, Swimming, Sports Ability and Athletics. In the summer term, we hold sports day events for the whole school where we encourage parents to come and support their children. We also hold a Healthy Schools week during which children focus upon the importance of health through eating and also exercise. Children are also offered many lunchtime and after school clubs.
Statutory information about swimming in Year 6 is included in our annual report, which you can find below.